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Kris Zyp

Kris Zyp is a web developer who started Xucia Incorporation and has extensive experience with Ajax powered applications. Kris is has helped to shape the Ajax industry, developing JSPON and JavaScript persistence and is active contributor to OpenAjax and EcmaScript 4. Kris also recently spoke at the Ajax Experience on continuations.

Kris has over four years of experience in working with enterprise level content management, as a consultant for Documentum. He guided implementation of content management systems for a number of large clients including Visa, Japan Airlines, US Army, USAA, and Nike.

He was building web applications that utilized remote calls before Ajax was even a term, and has now led the development of the next generation of web development with the Authenteo development system that takes Ajax to a whole new level with sophisticated capabilites such as client side persistent domain model access and continuations.